Thursday, October 2, 2008

Multiples - Theme Thursday

If you would have told me ten years ago that I would have two children taking cello lessons and ME conducting their practices each morning I would have told you you were NUTS! However, that is what it's come to. It is definately a committment! One it seems I have to recommit to each day I load up the boys, the baby, the cello and the cello stool for lessons. I have to recommit each time we start practices early in the morning and especially each time I write out the check for lessons.
Now if you were to tell me that I will put the baby in music lessons in a few years I might not say that you were nuts but I'd definately say that I was!
Here is a Multiples shot for Theme Thursday. It is taken at the recital indoors with flash - Yucky - but I liked the composition. I added a vintage action to tone down the flash effects.


Stacy said...

That is definitely muliples! Love the shot of all those cellos. That certainly does sound like a committment. I played the viola for a few years and that was a big enough instrument for me. I'm sure the boys are doing a wonderful job, especially with you helping them along. :)

Rose said...

That's a lot of string!!