Monday, January 26, 2009

Self Portrait

Ok. . . . . well, I pretty much cheated on getting a portrait of myself, BY myself.
Stacy's Theme Thursday last thursday was "self portrait". I wanted to do it but didn't make the time - until today. But like I said, I kindof cheated. I made several attempts. I couldn't figure out how to focus on a blank wall and set the timer before I made an entrance. I had my son hit the button on the camera for me but that introduced a lot of camera shake - even on a tripod (I had the center extended up all the way). It was scary the amount of sway that tripod had with my camera, my new (heavy) lens AND the flash. I called it quits and decided to have my hushand take some pictures of me.
Seeing pictures of myself is like hearing my voice on a video - you hear it every time you speak but when you hear it on a video it's almost unrecognizable and awkward. I see myself in the mirror everyday but a photograph of me just looks different and I don't know why.
This was a good practice for me and I know I need to do this more often. I ask people to get in front of my camera all the time - it's nice to know how they feel and what they might be thinking. I need to hand my camera off more often and allow myself to be in the photos too :).
So here is the only one I liked from the pool I shot:

And here is the one my husband took that I liked:

The B&W conversions look best as I'm bouncing my flash off of our "spanish sand" walls and the light casts a yellowish brown tint. yucky - here is the colored one:

A great challenge Stacy - THANKS!


Heather said...

They look great. I know what you mean about hearing your voice on tape and seeing yourself in pictures. I really like them!

Heather said...

One more thing, I just noticed as I posted above, the picture is one YOU took. I love the lighting!

edeenut said...

I love the black and white coloring on them!

Stacy said...

You look beautiful, Beth! Thanks for taking the challenge! I love both the shot you took and the shot your hubby took. Both turned out so well.

Rachel said...

The pics are great! You realize those pictures really make other women jealous of such pretty skin? :)

jamestownboys said...

Oh you are all so nice!!!
This was HARD for me to do and then actually post the results.
Thanks for the nice comments.

Jen said...

I love the black and white conversion. You are beautiful.

Amy said...

You look amazing Beth! The pictures all came out great and that was very brave of you. I'm not sure I could do it--I usually try to avoid being in pictures whenever I can.

Bonnie said...

I love all of the photos !!! Really different looks in the two shots but both just as amazing as the other one !!

Rose said...

I love the photos! Especially the middle B&W that your husband took. Actually the color photo looks very warm and cozy to me.

On a separate note, have you thought of setting a custom white balance for shooting in your house in the evening? I took a picture of a white piece of paper and then locked the image so I don't erase it. On my Canon I can go in and chose that image for the white balance setting. Then when I change my white balance to "custom setting" it uses that image for color correction. Did that make sense?

Rose said...

PS - I hate taking pictures of myself too. I force myself to do it to get past my silliness.