Monday, January 17, 2011

Why stop at one post

Well I havn't posted (or crafted much) in a year or so. So why stop at one post. Here is something else I made for Valentines Day. I got the idea from this blog. A super cute blog by the way!!
I bought a heart wreath and wrapped that. I wish it was bigger, but it was the biggest one they had at Beverlys. It is only about 12" wide. I guess that would be a lot of wrapping if it was any bigger though.

I want to be "crafty" again!!!!!!

I really really want to enter a new phase of life where I am sewy and crafty again. I can't even recall exactly why I havn't been but it probably went something like this. Found out I was expecting new baby. Baby needed the third bedroom ie. my sewing room. I had no where to sew or craft except my small bedroom. I got busy with new baby and busy older boys. I started taking more and more pictures. I started my photography business and well that was pretty much the end of my sewing career. I have often drooled over my sisters crafty blog. I keep telling myself, "someday"!
We have since moved into a little bit bigger house, still only three bedrooms, but the extra eating/kitchen nook has been assigned my sewing space since we also have a dining room that is the best place for the kitchen table.
I kindof had a bad year doing photography - I was super super busy but for some reason most of my clients were the ones that didn't actually want to spend any money. That has made it frustrating for me to want to put any extra time into it right now and with the high school season over I have some time to. . . . . . . . SEW!!! Plus being in the new house has made me start thinking about things I cold do to decorate and spruce it up a bit with some crafty projects.
I had some time to spend all by myself at Beverly's the other night. It was heavenly! It was the first time I've been in there in what seems like years! I came home with the supplies to make a family rules canvas that I have seen around lately.
I actually FINISHED it in about two days time. It is up on the shelf and has added a lot to the little wall with shelves and not much else.

Now let's see if I can even remember how to post pictures. . . .